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Mar 21 2025 17:29

206.00 SEK-4.40

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Mar 21 2025 17:29

206.00 SEK-4.40


Information about Lindab’s whistleblower channel

If in connection with our business you suspect serious misconduct, violation of laws or serious breaches of our policies or guidelines, you shall report it. You can submit a written report using our online whistleblowing service, which can be reached from a computer or smartphone via You can also for certain countries submit an oral report via the telephone setup, please see the above page for more information.

You have the right to remain anonymous when you submit your report, and the recipients of your report will not attempt to find out who has submitted a report. Even if you do not choose to be anonymous when you submit your report, your identity will remain strictly confidential. Those dealing with your report may not for unauthorized purposes disclose information capable of revealing your identity.

The messaging platform is administrated by WhistleB, an external service provider. All messages are encrypted. To ensure the anonymity of the person sending a message, WhistleB deletes all meta data, including IP addresses. The person sending the message also remains anonymous in the subsequent dialogue with responsible receivers of the report.