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Jul 02 2024 17:29

228.60 SEK0.80

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Jul 02 2024 17:29

228.60 SEK0.80

Lindab's Nomination Committee appointed

Lindab announces that, in accordance with the decision at its Annual General Meeting, the Chairman of the Board Peter Nilsson, in cooperation with the three largest owners of Lindab has appointed a Nomination Committee, comprising of:

  • Thomas Ehlin, appointed by Fjärde AP-fonden
  • Henrik Didner, appointed by Didner & Gerge Fonder
  • Anna Sundberg, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
  • Peter Nilsson, as Chairman of the Board of Lindab International AB (publ)


Thomas Ehlin was appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.


In accordance with the decision at the Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee shall assess the work and composition of the Board of Directors and present suggestions to the Annual General Meeting of 2023 e.g. concerning:


  • Election of Chairman of the Annual General Meeting
  • Election of Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board
  • Compensation to the Board of Directors, potential board committees and the Auditors
  • Composition of the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting of 2024


Shareholders who want to contact the Nomination Committee may do so by e-mail to or by ordinary mail to "Lindabs Valberedning, Ola Ranstam, Lindab International AB, 269 82 Båstad".


The Company will, together with its report for the 3rd quarter 2022, announce the date for the Annual General Meeting 2023.


Shareholders wishing to introduce matters to be resolved at the Annual General Meeting, shall provide notification thereof to the Chairman of the Board (address as indicated above) well in advance of the publication of the Announcement of the Annual General Meeting, such announcement will be published in the end of March 2023.





Thomas Ehlin
Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Phone: +46 (0)8-787 75 00

Peter Nilsson
Chairman of the Board of Lindab International AB (publ)
Phone: +46 (0)431-850 00

Ola Ranstam
General Counsel, Lindab
Phone:  +46 (0)701-49 78 10

Lindab in brief

Lindab is a leading ventilation company in Europe. Lindab develops, manufactures, markets and distributes products and systems for energy-efficient ventilation and a healthy indoor climate. The products are characterised by high quality, ease of installation and environmental thinking.

The Group had sales of SEK 9,648 m in 2021 and is established in 20 countries with approximately 4,900 employees. The Nordic region accounted for 55 percent of sales in 2021, Western Europe for 29 percent, Central Europe for 14 percent and Other markets for 2 percent.
The share is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap, under the ticker symbol LIAB.
