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203.00 SEK-2.20

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Mar 11 2025 17:29

203.00 SEK-2.20

The nomination committee's proposal for election of the Board of Lindab International AB

Lindab's nomination committee proposes to the AGM that the board of directors be increased by two members to a total of eight.
Lindab's nomination committee proposes to the AGM:
  • Re-election of Svend Holst-Nielsen as Chairman of the board
  • Re-election of Anders C Karlsson, Stig Karlsson, Hans Olov Olsson and Annette Sadolin
  • Election of Erik Eberhardson, Per Frankling and Ulf Gundemark.
Kjell Åkesson, previously the CEO of Lindab, has declined to be re-elected.
Erik Eberhardson, born in 1970, has extensive experience from Russia and the Ukraine. He was CEO of Volvo Ukraine LLC from 1996 to 2000 and President of Volvo Construction Equipment in CIS and Russia from 2002 to 2005. Since 2005 he has held several positions within OJSC "GAZ", Russia's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles, notably as Strategy Manager, CEO and since June 2008 as Chairman. Erik Eberhardson is also member of the board of directors of Magna International Ltd and TRM Holdings BV.
Per Frankling, born in 1971, M.Sc. Economics and M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Senior Investment Manager at Ratos, where he has been employed since 2000 and has responsibility for Ratos' holdings in Lindab and Jøtul. During the period 2001 - 2006, he was deputy member of Lindab's board of directors and since 2001 has undertaken specific assignments for Lindab. Per Frankling is a member of the board of directors of Jøtul AS and Contex Holding A/S.
Ulf Gundemark, born in 1951, M.Sc. Engineering, has broad international experience and was Business Area Manager at ABB, Global Manager at IBM and most recently, heading up the Nordic, Baltic, Russian and Chinese operations within Hagemeyer/Elektroskandia. Ulf Gundemark is member of the board of directors of Papyrus, Constructor Group and AQ Group, and is the Chairman of Bridge to China.
Lindab's nomination committee consists of Arne Karlsson (Chairman and representing Ratos AB), Caroline af Ugglas (representing Skandia Liv), Urmas Kruusval (representing Sjätte AP-fonden) as well as Svend Holst-Nielsen, Chairman of the board of Lindab International AB.
Lindab's AGM will be held at 2 p.m. on 6 May 2009 at Hasses Lada, Boarp, in the municipality of Båstad. Notice to attend the AGM will be published in the beginning of April 2009.
Shareholders who wish to have a matter discussed at the AGM must submit such a proposal in writing to the Chairman of the Board, Svend Holst-Nielsen, Lindab International AB, SE-269 82 Båstad, Sweden, no later than 16 March 2009.
For further information:
Arne Karlsson, Ratos AB, Chairman of Lindab's nomination committee, Tel. +46 8 700 17 00
Svend Holst-Nielsen, Chairman of Lindab's board of directors, Tel. +46 70 855 7000
The information here is that which Lindab International AB has willingly chosen to make public or that which it is obliged to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
David Brodetsky, CEO
Tel. +46 (0)431 854 24
About Lindab:
Lindab is an international group that develops, manufactures and markets sheet metal products and system solutions for the construction sector.
The two business areas, Profile  and Ventilation offer complete solutions for construction systems and indoor climate, as well as individual construction and ventilation components for all types of buildings.
Lindab is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange, Stockholm, Large Cap under the ticker "LIAB".
The Lindab group has approximately 5,600 employees in 31 countries and generated sales of SEK 9,280 million in 2007.  Its head office is located in Grevie near Bastad in southwestern Sweden. For more information visit